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Version 2.0 – Sample Letter to Parents/Guardians: Automated Report Broadcast (Update Email Address)

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Dear Parent(s) and Guardian(s),

We have recently implemented a new feature of the Alert Solutions Communication Suite, allowing us to send report cards and other important documents via your email address(es).  In order to ensure success with the new feature, it’s important we have a current email address on file for your family.

To review and update your contact information, please log-in to your PowerSchool Parent Portal at:  [insert URL here].

Once logged in, click on the Alert Solutions 2 link on your left navigation menu:


Please make any data changes necessary via the Subscriber Information section and then click Save Preferences. 



If you are unable to update your contact information for any reason, please feel free to contact the school office and we can update the information for you.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact _________ at ____-____-______.

Thank you,


(Contact's Name)

(Contact's Title)

(School's Name)

(School's Email)

(School's Phone)

Tip! To ensure that staff receive notification of subscriber data changes in the parent portal, we recommend to set-up portal notifications. For more information on setting up or updating your notifications via the public portal, click here and scroll to the section titled, "Public Portal".

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